July 26, 2015

Thoughtful Thoughts from Guest Blogger Cindy Conner




Don't you just love sunflowers? When I think about sunflowers I think of two things. My motherinlove who loved sunflowers and Fall.

I came across a devotional written by Julia Bettencourt on sunflowers and thought it so appropriate for today as I wanted to share my sunflowers with you.
Here's a few lessons we can learn from the sunflower. 

Sunflowers Track The Sun.

 Most plants are attracted to light but the flowering head of the sunflower actually tracks the sun following it's path and moving toward where it is in the sky all during the day. I read somewhere that sunflowers track the sun when they are in bud stage. Isn't that how it usually goes for us as Christians? When we first come to know the Lord, we get excited about knowing all about Him and living for Him, but after awhile we sometimes grow a little preoccupied with other things and get our eyes off of the Lord. 



Wouldn't it be great if as a Christian we'd track the Son of God and follow Him all day long? No matter what was going on in our lives and throughout our day, we wouldn't take our eyes off of the Son. 
Sunflowers Need to be Stabilized. 
The second thing I've learned about the sunflower is that it that it needs to be firmly planted in the soil in order to grow. Sunflowers grow so tall and their stems become so heavy that they will topple over if they aren't stabilized in the ground. 

I know as a Christian it's very easy to topple over if we are not grounded in the Word of God. We need to know what and why we believe what we do so our feet are firmly planted and we won't falter in our Christian growth. 
Sunflowers Produce Seeds. 

Did you know that a single sunflower can have up to 2,000 seeds? When we think about sowing seeds as a Christian, just think of the potential reach that each of us can have to spread the Gospel. It could be limitless if we would just sow those seeds. 



Sunflowers Produce Oil 
The oil that the sunflower produces is considered a good oil with healthy benefits. As Christians we should be producing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith). All of those have some healthy benefits on us as Christians and on others that we meet. 
Sunflowers Resemble The Sun. 
Sunflowers not only follow the sun but when you look at them, they resemble the sun too. Resembling the Son should be one of those things we do as a Christian. Being Christ-like is an essential part of being a Christian.
Conclusion: When I think about the lessons from the sunflower, my mind goes to that fifth chapter of Ephesians where it's talking about following God and all the ways we are to act as Christians. It starts out in the first couple verses by saying,

"Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour." Ephesians 5:1,2

The timing was so perfect with this devotional for me today
My oldest granddaughter Raygen and I purchased a pack of sunflower seeds from Walmart spontaneously. I never dreamed that they would actually sprout but they did! I have a little garden of beautiful sunflowers now. Some are in full bloom while others are beginning to bloom. I had enough ready to pick and put in a vase to carry to my motherinlove.  AND....it doesn't have to be Fall to enjoy the beauty of sunflowers.


But really? Who needs sunflowers when you live with the Sweetest SON-flower of all!

Hugs and blessings,

When I run across something I really like I want to share.  I feel the same about stumbling upon a new blog and of course the BLOGGER.  (Jonell)
Cindy loves the Lord Jesus Christ, is passionate about her family, women's ministry, photography, and almost too many personal interests to list on BlogSpot I think  Check for yourself on her blog at: http://creationsbycindyphotography.blogspot.com/ and find Cindy Conner on face book for additional connections. Did I fail to mention she has been Administrative Secretary for her church for about 16 years and just in case you missed it..she and her husband are the proud parents of 'count 'em'  THREE daughters.  [all grown up and beautiful]

Oops, one more thing:  "Mercy, life don't get no better than sharing it with Grands." (Cindy)


  1. Sweetness! Such a good post - so many "thoughtful thoughts" that I need to apply to my life.

  2. Awe...thanks so much for featuring my post on Son-Flowers. I truly pray this post will be a blessing for someone reading it. Thanks again....I am blessed! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  3. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Amen post. The son of God is first in my life too. Amen.

    I enjoyed the story of the Son flower.

    I have added you to my fav.

    Great picture of Cindy. Happy Lady. Friendly face.

  4. You couldn't have chosen anybody more special to feature than Ms. Cindy. She has such an awesome heart for the Lord! I actually had the privilege of meeting her in person! And what a blessing that was. HOPE you have a great day.

  5. I love this! I adore sunflowers and yes, we could learn a lot from them. Cindy did an amazing job teaching us all about sunflowers and how to be better Christians.

  6. This is such a great post from Cindy and I so enjoyed reading it once again here as well as Cindy's blog post.
    Cindy is a special lady and God has gifted her with great talents that bless us with her writings and wisdom. Such a great feature and also to meet you and visit your lovely blog and now a new follower.
    Have a blessed week. Hugs, cm


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