Get those seeds in the ground in March
'After danger of frost' has passed.
When buying seeds pay attention to the length and SHAPE of the LoofaThey are not all the same shape |
There are so many uses The length will be determined by your personal use and preferrence |
It won't take you long to figure out how you can
do this-I won't spoil your surprise
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Did I mention each loofa has embedded inside a MILLION BLACK SEEDS?
I never counted but I promise it seems like a million and requires a bit of time and
persistence to remove ALL of them
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In case you were wondering:
- I used a serated older steak knife to cut down to the size I want and you'll find you can cut with scissors
- Don't be discouraged b/c you don't get rid of all the seeds immediately.
- My personal preference is to use the loofas with the darker NATURAL color
- When you do want a whiter shade soak in water with a very small amount of BLEACH
- Logically I think too much bleach for too long a soak will eat away at the loofa- It's BLEACH
- You do not have to clean these it at your convenience, no problem.
- I use a natural whole loofa for the shower /bath
- Use the loofa just as you would any a scrubbie or bath cloth.
- I use them all over the body-love them for my back, shoulders and feet.
- I use the smaller cuts in the kitchen for dish washing chores
- I have never used for my face, however; I just might so I can give you my opinion on that
- OOOPS I almost forgot to share this very important information. Plant your seeds in a space where you get FULL SUN and add a little moisture perhaps once a week unless you get rain...your need for watering will be about the same as with your squash, cucumbers, peppers etc. They need sun and they some moisture-
p.s. One last note: Save Some Seeds for planting again next year
This is so interesting! I had no idea that is how loofahs grew.
I think I'm going to try to grow some this year! You've inspired me! Let's see if I can make them grow.... haha!