March 31, 2016

Group Pictures of Troy Travelers - Amsterdam-Paris-Normandy

Touring Europe- ( Amsterdam-Paris-Normandy) March 2016

Group shots courtesy of Pam/Ray Smith and/or Serdjo Car

Just a clue for my family and friends looking closely at the group-
To spot me just go to the oldest, shortest female wearing a black trench coat.
(That should be EASY)

It will take time to fill in the blanks with more fyi details-When some of these group shots were taken and shared on our trip diary w family I happen to know some family members were examining closely saying- "find Mom- proof of life"..LOL

In the interest of full disclosure: {personally} We never felt any danger or saw any  show of law enforcement that suggested we were or could be in danger. It was not until we were at and leaving the airport in Paris on Friday March 25th that we knew it as REAL..SECURITY was impressively tight. For that we have to be thankful

Not all our stories will be shared here simply because they are not all mine to share but indeed we do have stories to tell.

Later- Looking Forward-

post script:  btw this Gramma marked her 75th birthday  just  4 days after our trip...well, I am impressed because I know the steps we walked, the STAIRS we climbed the shops we lingered in etc...later-

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