May 29, 2010
A Treasure is a Treasure

May 28, 2010
Those Special Days
When you don't have parents and grandparents anymore-what do you do on Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter and Christmas?
I am sure It can be so inconvenient for young and somewhat young families to have to give up a day to visit 'the folks.'
As an adult I never had the option of visiting my parents on those special days or any other days. I can literally count the times I saw my parents after I married. They didn't live long lives -Daddy died 10 years after I married and Mama four years later. With so many miles between us we still wouldn't have been able to visit much if they had lived longer.
Parents and Grandparents don't really want the children and grands to visit on those special days. We want them to visit because they want to spend time with us..not on holidays because that's what they are supposed to do...
Our children are all approaching the mid century mark..50 years old. I recall at that point [when we moved to the farm in Newton] it seemed we had so much time and we could do just about anything we wanted to at that point..Things change so fast.
What do you do on those designated days when there's no one to spend it with.. Ans.> you sit and swing or rock or read, piddle in the yard and as the hours tick away late afternoon you think of an excuse to drive around maybe out in the countryside..just somewhere then back home you are glad the day is over..it's not the end of the world, it's just a day!
And you tell yourself and anyone who might ask that it really is no big deal...just a day.
May 21, 2010
I Win
I win the prize-if there is one offered. The prize is for finding THE bargain of the entire month. Today as we left Maxwell Air Force base in Montgomery we paused to stick our heads in a too small, too full, too smelly little shop.
That's where I found my [1985] LONGABERGER BASKET for 25 CENTS!
Yes, it's small but remember, I told you a 'find' is no less a treasure because it's small.
May 20, 2010
I Am Thankful
I just saw something on http://rhondisrosecoloredglasses.blogspot.com/ about Thankful Thursdays~someone had a good idea.
We could have Thrifty Tuesday, Frivillous Fridays, Weeding Wednesdays, Silly Saturdays,Super Sundays..on and on but Today is Thursday..so why not be Thankful?
I am thankful for:
We could have Thrifty Tuesday, Frivillous Fridays, Weeding Wednesdays, Silly Saturdays,Super Sundays..on and on but Today is Thursday..so why not be Thankful?
I am thankful for:
- Freedom, more and more each day
- Plenty.. we have such "plenty" ..the same as 'bountiful living'
- Creation...the beauty that surrounds us
- My Faith;..my God
- My Family..those born into our family and those married into it
- Flowers- wild flowers, fresh flowers, dried flowers, weed flowers
- My front porch,deck and porch fans in the summertime
- Neighbors.. a neighbor friend to water everything when we are away
- For Children who's lives honor the God we serve
- For Life itself-but especially for SALVATION
My Little "Yarden" Journal~ Chiggers & Pine Straw
The sound of doves around the neighborhood, hey there's a little squirrel..no it's two there's another running along the top of the fence..birds chirping away, red birds all over. The Rabbit Family usually shows up late afternoon or early evening & lately have not been readily scared away by our presence out in the garden area. You can have the cats- I would rather have the birds and an ocassional Rabbit!
Green tomatoes..it wont be long until they'll become 'fried green tomatoes." There's a few tiny, tiny peaches on that new tree..and look over there to the side of the yard at the wonderful gourd vines reaching for the sky it seems!
The four O'clocks are slow to show up but look at them now ~ nearly two feet tall and the cypress vine while it's not yet vining the ever so tiny little sprigs are beginning to cover the ground all around each arbor where they are planted..it takes a while to get the incredible beauty and cover but it's "a show worth waiting for." There's a small picture of one arbor covered with cypress vines from last year on this page to the right of my posts. They definitely are a double treat- one for us and also for the hummingbirds..they are attracted to the teeny, tiny red trumpet shaped blooms.
I am still looking for bachelor buttons peeping through the soil..have cut all available roses & hope I did it right this time so they will all bloom and the long stemmed will actually have long stems..slow learner with the roses but I think we have it now.
The hydrangeas look promising so far-Whoppee!
After bragging about not attracting 'chiggers' out doors...didn't think about their being in the pine straw we used in the flower beds. I had fun yesterday getting down on my knees pulling weeds in the beds . Guess what? Chiggers.
Green tomatoes..it wont be long until they'll become 'fried green tomatoes." There's a few tiny, tiny peaches on that new tree..and look over there to the side of the yard at the wonderful gourd vines reaching for the sky it seems!
The four O'clocks are slow to show up but look at them now ~ nearly two feet tall and the cypress vine while it's not yet vining the ever so tiny little sprigs are beginning to cover the ground all around each arbor where they are planted..it takes a while to get the incredible beauty and cover but it's "a show worth waiting for." There's a small picture of one arbor covered with cypress vines from last year on this page to the right of my posts. They definitely are a double treat- one for us and also for the hummingbirds..they are attracted to the teeny, tiny red trumpet shaped blooms.
I am still looking for bachelor buttons peeping through the soil..have cut all available roses & hope I did it right this time so they will all bloom and the long stemmed will actually have long stems..slow learner with the roses but I think we have it now.
The hydrangeas look promising so far-Whoppee!
After bragging about not attracting 'chiggers' out doors...didn't think about their being in the pine straw we used in the flower beds. I had fun yesterday getting down on my knees pulling weeds in the beds . Guess what? Chiggers.
May 16, 2010
Bargain Hunting
I confess an addiction to finding "steals" at flea markets. I can sometimes just slow down as we pass a place and tell you if its worth my time to stop and shop.
On days when no one is in a hurry I will risk stopping by what I already deem to be a lost cause. Really junky places are where we often find great buys..if you know the merchandise.
[ Picture: Pop found a good book store in DeFuniak Springs-this amazing little sit down spot was wedged in between two shop buildings-great way to use space!]
I try to settle on a treasure that will fit in one hand...small treasures. A McCoy treasure is still a treasure no matter what size bag it fits in. I often play a little 'guess the price' game with myself-guessing the price before I turn the tag over..am amazed how often I am right on target. It doesn't take much to entertain me! :^)
I learned a long time ago to be willing to 'walk away" if I can't get the right price. Unless an item is dirt cheap or a for real 'steal', I don't have a problem asking for a better price. It never hurts to ask. Then you have this conversation with yourself that goes like this : "Self, How badly do you want this? How much are you willing to pay, max? Will there ever be another one down the road?
Before shopping I take a few minutes to remind myself of things I have been looking for..maybe a long time. It's fresh on my mind as I shop. I have this down to a science...the things I like are so familiar I can get in and out quickly. Why linger when there's another great place down the road. You'll need time to browse there.
If your husband detests this kind of shopping it really helps if you spot things that interest him...not a problem here. My husband has tagged along with me so long that he's as interested in the treasure hunt as I am..he even looks for books-he's an avid reader.
May 15, 2010
Pretties and Good Dishes
Are for using. Yes we usually say they are for special occasions. What or Who could be more special than your family and friends? Who is more special than a husband?
I so enjoy using pretty dishes, even silver for an ordinary meal ..just because.
May 13, 2010
Fine Dining - That's What This Is
What a way to wind up the day..hubby grills the best burgers & invites a neighbor. I chop potatoes and onions into a pan with some seasoning for 20 minutes.
We throw a tablecloth on a table on the deck, use colorful real dishes and turn on the overhead fan. Fresh flowers- hydrangeas in bloom-nearby.
Background music:
I Think This is Really Me
I totally love, adore and admire the incredible talent and creativity I see in so many of the bog sites I visit. The professionalism and mastery of this technology continue to challenge and excite me. I am always saying; "How did she do that?" and "I have to learn to do that with my photos!" I listen to the background music, examine the photo collages and the too, too perfect little romantic scenes and also the naturally occuring scenes in homes and gardens and my senses are overwhelmed with the beauty.
Yes, I often browse and admire with the goal of making my blogs as wonderful as these.
Then as I move about my own page I am remnded that "This is me!" This is my creativity, my flowers, my decor.
Please enoy.. I hope you will in some ways be challenged and excited by my wonderful surroundings and even by some of the whimsical, random or insightful posts that you stop to read now and then..Ya'll Come Again and enjoy our SOUTHERN LIVING thing!
Yes, I often browse and admire with the goal of making my blogs as wonderful as these.
Then as I move about my own page I am remnded that "This is me!" This is my creativity, my flowers, my decor.
Please enoy.. I hope you will in some ways be challenged and excited by my wonderful surroundings and even by some of the whimsical, random or insightful posts that you stop to read now and then..Ya'll Come Again and enjoy our SOUTHERN LIVING thing!
May 12, 2010
A Completed Project
Is a good project...especially when it's done well.
When I take on a responsibility it's important to me that I not only finish it but finish well!
Over the years I have been known to 'bite off more than I could chew'.
Have you ever done that?
When it's all done and everyone involved is happy..that makes it especially sweet!
When I take on a responsibility it's important to me that I not only finish it but finish well!
Over the years I have been known to 'bite off more than I could chew'.
Have you ever done that?
When it's all done and everyone involved is happy..that makes it especially sweet!
May 10, 2010
May 04, 2010
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