April 19, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things~

[copied from my"Down the Lane" blog at  http://mershongeorgiagirl.blogspot.com/  ]

Yes, it really is broken dishes- tea cups-broken
and partially buried in the ground by the front
walk[antique rusted iron gate attached to arbor]
Broken depression era dishes or glassware or pottery chards are difficult to trash. That's why they often end up in flower pots or flower beds [at my house]. 
All Things Natural, Vintage, Antique-Pottery Less Than Perfect-"It's had a Life" - Old Treasures Blended With the New & Modern. Hydrangeas are one of My very favorite beautiful things in the world- fresh cut or dried. I enjoy the challenge of working with a "nothing" and turning it into something. Something beautiful, of course! Sticks, Twigs and branches especially those with lichen/ mosses. Curly Willow branches make a statement all alone. Everyone [like me] needs a curly willow tree and a eucalyptus tree in her yard.  Repurposed less than perfected pieces of pottery, old jars, dishes..Burlap & a stash of distinctive Fabrics  can be life savers in a pinch. I drool over architectural pieces that have been discarded- the beginning of a memorable decorative accent or feature all alone. Wild flowers dug up "roots & all" can become just what's needed for an outdoor wedding.
Did I mention unique antique bottles and very very old windows and old wooden boxes & crates? Yes, I do have just a few 'favorite things.' 

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