![I just wonder.....if 32 degrees were not called the freezing mark, and if lower than 32 NOT called "be_low freezing"...would if FEEL AS COLD? [keep in mind I a southern lady]
Never mind the far north scene in the picture - that is just to remind us down here that many people north of us have it much worse tonight than we do with our artic breeze out there.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/q83/s526x296/10898010_10205639809817589_8428461563340944843_n.jpg?oh=63d89b1a4a2100e4f7180349714bf525&oe=556D681D&__gda__=1429840342_b71badc7dd68e37756a3089cb67e7f6f)
I just wonder.....if 32 degrees were not called the freezing mark, and if lower than 32 NOT called "below freezing"...
Would it FEEL AS COLD?
[keep in mind I am southern lady]
Never mind the far north scene in the picture - that is just to remind us that many people north of us have it much worse tonight than we do with our artic breeze out there.
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