October 21, 2014

What Now, Lord?

 1 Samuel 7:12-14 An Ebenezer Stone is a “Stone of Help or a reminder of God’s Real, Holy Presence and Divine help." An Ebenezer can be nearly anything that reminds us of God’s presence and help: the Bible, a cross, a picture, a hymn – something that reminds us of God’s love, God’s Real Presence, and God’s assistance.

The rather large rock the the left and at the base of the steps came from the farm in Texas - That's what I call our

Ebeneezer Stone

 I know  I am here by God's Grace. I still see Him all around me & I don't question that.  As I have said so often these past 14 + months all the hard issues have long been settled in my life.

What Now, Lord?  What now?

In days gone by...decades even, I  was almost always leading the parades, heading the committee, wearing the blue ribbons, the crowns and in the local news. 

That was yesterday.  I am not that same person who could always be counted on to  show up & take charge.

Reason and careful thought tells me I must look for new direction...I have stumbled upon a few solutions ....only a few. 

What Now Lord?

Looking Forward,

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