May 09, 2014

About Mamas~

Mother's Day Questionnaire  from Heather Graham
at Stringtown Home

1)  What is your favorite "Mama Sayin'"? I wonder if my kids remember this-When I baked cookies [we're talking 4 children y'all] They  ate them as fast as they came out of the oven and I would always say: "Okay, when they are all gone..there are no more." [Silly Me!]

2]  My "me" time is often the times I leave home for shopping, nails or pedicure and lunch at some place the 'girls' like. I am not rushed and often away all day-perhaps 4/ 5 hours..but who's counting?!

3)  What in your wardrobe  screams, "I'm a mama!"? Sorry, Heather -E L A S T I C WAIST DENIM JEANS -they scream GRAMMA instead of Mama..It's  the generic, no style, elastic waist I call "old lady Jeans."That's what I ask for.

Oh, well there are days when these serve me quite well.  Who can be stylish and smart every day of the week!

4] What is your favorite thing about being a mom? My favorite thing about being a Mom? Ahh, yes- My very favorite thing about being a Mom is seeing 'our' children as adults with loving spouses living their lives productively, and each in different ways serving the Lord God who has given us life, breath and Salvation and did I mention..I love seeing ALL OF THEM descending upon us..all walking through our front door at once with smiles, hugs and greetings.. believe me it is an AMAZING thing when all of this bunch can manage to arrive at the same time.  There's always "a story" involved.
...just a reminder  OUR CHILDREN  means our four children and their mates!


...........some remembrances of MY MOTHER
[ Annie Bell Mobley-Williams ]
  • One of my earliest memories of my own Mama is forever embedded in my mind's eye. I was sitting beside her on the farmhouse front porch on a primitive settee [ Rockingham, Georgia.  As we sat there I lay my head over on Mama's lap.  I do not remember a word..nothing except the feeling.  I felt this was the best place, the safest place in the world to my Mama's lap. [ I was about 3 yrs old]
  • I always called her Mama growing up. As an adult I began to refer to her as My Mother..but ever since she died in 1973 I call her Mama  when I am thinking of something she would enjoy or simply wishing she were here  it's a whispered  "M a m a "

  •  Mama married at 27 and had me and my twin the following year. She was not an educated person.  She could be described as humble, gentle, loyal, long suffering and strong. She was a person who could be easily overlooked in a crowd, not one who called attention to herself in any way. In spite of a very hard life I do not think she was ever bitter. My Mama was a precious sweet woman and I have only sweet memories of her-I only wish I had more years with her here..she died at only 61 years old.

  •  Mama knew hard work. She never expected anything to be given her.  
  • She experienced defeat, hurt, anger and disappointment but I cannot recall her losing control of  her temper .[the same certainly cannot be said of me]
  • I learned LOYALTY from my Mama...loyalty even when it is not deserved-and CONTENTMENT...even in the face of incredibly difficult times
These four wonderful adults and their spouses [above & below]  -
 I am so thankful to have them call Me their Mama
 or Mom or Jonell-the three DIL almost always call me Jonell
Our oldest child/son Steve & wife Carol

The youngest who called me MAMA
 and usually calls me Mom now
[our daughter Deanna w husband Tim]
Contributors on


  1. So sweet! Your first memory of your Mama brought tears to my eyes. That is exactly the feeling we want our children to have. We have the privilege to create that environment in our home and in our relationships. Thanks for sharing this! What a blessing and encouragement! ...and my kids call me Mama. I love it!

    1. I am reminded of hearing someone say we don't get to choose what memories our children hold on to for their life long.. noting that in a family of 6 siblings they all had different mental snapshots they treasured. I guess that might just be a challenge for parents to build tons of them to choose from.


This is intended to be an exchange of thoughts, recollections and ideas.
A note /comment from you Makes My Day- I would be honored to have you sign on as a FOLLOWER.