Timely Thoughts About Time
and the days of our lives
Mail is sent and received instantly. Work schedules are flexible.
Hardwood floors are EEZZ care. Machines Wash & Dry Our Clothes.
Mail is sent and received instantly. Work schedules are flexible.
Hardwood floors are EEZZ care. Machines Wash & Dry Our Clothes.
Ditto the Dishes! Ironing... What's that?
We often say, "Let's make time."
We often say, "Let's make time."
We cannot make time of course,
We do need to use it better.
We have longer 'talks' with Internet contacts
than family and friends.
We have longer 'talks' with Internet contacts
than family and friends.
We enjoy talking.. often saying little.
We hear ...not always listening .
What a joy one whole day would be with dear ones in my life.
We can't seem to make it happen.
These are 'The Days of Our Lives'...
These are 'The Days of Our Lives'...
but for a short while.
post script: I realize many readers do not browse the side bar
entries . If you do this is redundant- Sorry about that!