May 14, 2013

Gramma Was a Farmgirl..Imagine That~

It's ReRun Monday Just As I Promised ~

The Backyard lettuce crop  is from recent pictures..just trying
to hold your attention
As a child growing up in  rural south Georgia  we always ate whatever was growing in the garden - in season.  We ate the same food all time except
for the big holiday meals then we had more of it! No actually there were really special  holiday meals. We could always count on  southern dressings, fruits [ thanks to relatives from Florida] and our Mamas and Grandmas' fruit cake.. every one totally different.  I know we are not supposed to put down anything Grandma or Mama cooked but here goes.  I never liked their fruit cakes. Today I do like fruitcake-specifically the Claxton fruit cake made in Claxton, Georgia. Their recipe is heavier on nuts and dried fruits and not so much cake/bread texture. ..don't leave-There's More

Small patch but great Tomato harvest that season

When  I was 10 years old I was the official cook for the noon meal & that meant I got to prepare lunch while other family members continued with the farm work.  Summers were quite hot, the work usually meant hot and sweaty so needless to say I was eager to accept this assignment.  

We ate pretty much the same things every day [ in case you missed the first time I said it]. The menu changed if there was something ready to be harvested...field peas, butter beans, squash,  corn, cucumbers etc.  When fresh from the garden produce was scarce there was the basic pantry stock of dried peas, beans.
Nothing like the little bitty summer squash..Love 'em
all the usual ways but especially added [along w onions]
to old fashioned [yes, fried] CORNBREAD. I know, we can't
eat it often but as a decadent treat occasionally surely it
won't be the "death of us"

.  As the years passed and opportunity for new experiences came into my life I learned about  new and interesting foods like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Shrimp cocktail, Grilled Salmon, Boiled Shrimp. I discovered that people in different parts of the country grew different vegetables and fruits. My husband never did get  excited about these discoveries. His favorite diet still would be Steak, potatoes, peas, beans, macaroni & cheese-you get the idea. 

The next best thing to having a Pear tree in your back yard
is having a neighbor with a Pear tree in her back yard-with
an open invitation to Pick What You Want

Funny thing as I have gotten older especially the past 10-15 years I crave the familiar food from my childhood.  That would be the fried conbread, lima beans, new potatoes w fresh green beans. I did "get over" all the southern fried chicken though. Many years ago we substituted baked chicken/breasts for the  less healthy southern fried entree. Even some of the foods I didn't like as a child I now claim as part of my heritage.  That would turnip greens, collards, rutabagas. Funny how we run back to Our Roots and embrace it with such eagerness and joy.  

Remember what so many have said: "You can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl."

Why did it take me half my life to discover

May 07, 2013

All I Want for Mother's Day -

Is this tacky or what?  My Mother's Day Wish List: 

Comfort - Convenience - Space - Solitude 
That's company, no gifts..honest to goodness
For this day, this year we are not even hungry for the company of our children and grands.
I have no real NEEDS.  Any [human] 'wants' I have can wait. 

But don't scold me yet! By the time Father's Day  comes around  in June we are likely
going to be longing for another of those big, sometimes crowded, always noisy family gatherings-
the big smiles of loved ones coming through that  front door-the greetings, the laughter, 
the hugs & kisses. 
[ With only one Grand at that 'almost a teenager' stage we almost have to
chase him down to get the  hugs and kisses. I think he secretly loves it!]

And yes we will be hungry for all the chatter & talking over one another.  With all the verbal catching  up,
still I will  think back  upon the day later and wish I had more one on one conversation with each
of our children and their spouses especially.  

Years from now  the Grands will think back and have the same thoughts..
Wishing they had  more one on one time with Grandparents too..just as I did.
No one told me life was going to be so fleeting..
Surely I would have hugged more closely and held on longer to my grandparents..
Asked them  more questions ..
Then listened more intently to their voices and the things they shared..
When asked!

The breakfast in bed idea is always a fanciful vision-This works better for me. 
Set up a tray like this. & display in a safe location -
Go to the kitchen, start the Coffee-
Go to the bathroom - Brush your teeth .
There's no way I am going to sip on a cup of great coffee or tea in bed
without first brushing my teeth.

May 03, 2013

Mixing It Up- Familiar Scenes and Early Spring 2015

If these scenes look familiar..perhaps you were visiting Like Gramma's House last summer. 

 Some of my blog followers are local..and many of you I have not seen in quite a while. Imagine if  we had a few minutes of quality time to 'catch up'?..


or just sit a spell..and wait for inspiration to find us?  

Just click on the photo below for a much larger view~