About a family activity this past [2012] Christmas.
I announced the Penny Auction to our family group of 18 as we celebrated on December 23rd in Brundidge. Instructions and information given to the Christmas gathering:
- Check your pockets and purses for money - Coins only..no folding money
- Share your money with anyone who has no coin stash
- The Auctioneer makes the rules-Gramma designates the Auctioneer
- The rules may change at the whim of the auctioneer
- The auctioneer can decide what to do with the money he takes in*if this has not been addressed beforehand.
Everyone participated enthusiastically with minimal manipulation. [do you believe that???]
It was fun and 17 and 12 yr old Grandsons proved to be a really good [ pawns ] auctioneer...taking direction quite well. Who would have thought the 12 yr old grandson would have been willing to seriously compete for an Apron!
-That gift closet is definitely not empty so after a few conferences among us in recent months IT HAS BEEN DECIDED:
The Second Annual Penny Auction
will be this year on the weekend immediately preceeding December 25th
at the Harrison House.
Note: No copyright or ownership of any kind here..feel free to MAKE IT YOUR OWN w Gramma's blessings!
Sharing with Heather :http://www.stringtownhome.net/
* All these can be changed - This year 2013 we may add FOLDING MONEY instead of loose change. Perhaps this would be the year to use this money raised for something we choose to do in Memory of our Much Loved One.