August 10, 2009

A Word ~ About W.O.R.D.S.

A  Few  Good  Words



Loved Ones
My Children
The G.r.a.n.d.s

A  G.a.t.h.e.r.i.n.g
Weed Flowers
Child of the King
Mulling Over

I love the sound of these words:

[yard and garden]


L a n e


August 09, 2009

A Thankful Heart-A Tender Heart

So many times over many years I have asked God: "Give me a thankful heart, a tender heart." It's a good thing to long for, to desire.

Let's assume I now have a thankful heart.

Question: What is satan going to use now to tempt, distract & possibly defeat me?
Answer: That Thankful Heart!

Question: And how does he do that?
Answer: By introducing me to discontentment and that ugly thing we call Envy, Reminding me of all the places I have never been, things I could never do and will not do in the remaining years of my life. He runs the slide show and I whine inside. Knowing the source of this attitude does not necessarily make it go away.

Summary/Cautionary Note: A Heads up when you think you have arrived-and you now have that noble Godly trait you have long prayed to have.

The lessons of life, it seems they never end.
I do pray I will continue to accept with grace His molding and shaping- His teaching.

My intent is not to ruin someone's day with this post. My intent is to peel away layers of pretense and find honesty ..and figure out what to do with that discovery. Yes, I guess you might say that I like a challenge.

Ordinary Things

Simple Pleasures-Simply Stated

 Recently after being away overnight, I slipped under the top sheet and lay my head on my pillow and verbalized my feelings this way: "It is soooo good to be at home, in our house, On our bed, under these nice white, fresh linens and laying my head on my own pillow.

I am thinking perhaps one just has to be a 'certain age' to truly appreciate such ordinary things.

No Place Like Home, Indeed.
What could be better!

August 04, 2009

My 1912 Calendar

Yes I have a 1912 completely in tact calendar hanging in my den.
Yes I love old things. Yes I do collect many things. And Yes, I too am old. Not that old.

My calendar is left open to the month of August.
That's my Mama's birthdate, August 2, 1912. She's been gone since 1973.

I Still remember.