July 16, 2009

Something of Grandma's

I am so excited. I have the opportunity to collect from a cousin-first,once removed, two pieces of furniture that were my Grandma Mobley's.
One is a chifferobe and the other a dresser. I remember the chifferobe, not sure about the dresser-it may be only a dresser base. That's allright! I will cherish it no matter what. I think I might feel that my collection of "old stuff" is now complete in our house with the addition of "something of Grandma's.
How blessed I am !! I think I must be rich :^)

July 12, 2009

Ahhhhh Zinnias!

My zinnias are growing taller and fuller with many colors. I am torn between leaving them be...and regularly snipping the blooms to use and encourage more growth.

Most of my flower choices are perennial. I love hardy plants and flowers that come back for us the next spring, however; a few others are on my "luv it" list:
Coleous and Zinnias.

I have seen green zinnias in Southern Living magazine and gardening magazines but never had any. This year I do have a few green ones. "Luv It!"

Now all I need in that bed is a Zinnia that grows smaller to balance out with the tall plants.