April 13, 2016

Once Upon A Time ~

Once Upon A Time Becomes 'This New Life'

Have We Had This Conversation Already?


[If this post rests for too long in 'drafts'-Oh well here goes:  It is not intended to mark a specific milestone  or date-just my thoughts shared with you if you care to linger for a while. ]

"Once upon a time"
 Early childhood years..

L-R:  Carl, Gwenell, Calton & Jonell

A  teenager

"And they lived happily ever after." 
June 21,1959 forward -

PHS Class of '59 Jr./Sr. Banquet (Prom)

June 21, 1959

Family of six:
I always knew being a Mom was an important job
until the world around us began telling me I was not good enough . 
I tend to think of the years of parenting as a time of molding and shaping young lives-

...Those children were molding and shaping our lives. 

L-R  David-Steve-Johnny
circa 1970 ish

Then there was -
The Miracle Years-
Pop's Story

While  I've learned so much along the way...
I am  often asking the same questions

The newly built Wisteria Arbor /July 20012

What Now, Lord? -

New Season-New Life-

August 18, 2013

Table For One, Please.


 I recognize  This is another day the Lord has made and I will be glad for it but-

"What- do- I- do- with- this- day?"

A wise son  said to me in the early days following August 18, 2013

"Manna for today Lord, Just Manna for TODAY"

[and I held that simple prayer close to my heart especially in those early months.]

 With no health issues significant enough to even mention, let alone  have an entire conversation
I could have 5 more good years  before my move heavenward or 
I m a g i n e that-
90 years old! 

~another note to self:
I cannot spend all my days having morning coffee at 
Chick fil a 
& lunch with friends...

I cannot  travel to Europe every year..
[so many landscapes in America I have never seen]

A New Season-A Different Life

For saying yes!

For making a difference in the lives around me-

This really is the desire of my heart-
To make a difference~


"What do I do with these years ahead?" 

"How can I be used for You Lord?"  

(Perhaps start by simply saying "Yes" )

How many times in years past did I say to self or others
'I have to learn to say No?'
Interesting  Turn Around-

Okay, I'm Listening-


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